Sponsored Demo Lab: Crowdriff - Small Budgets. Massive Impact. Powering your marketing visuals with UGC

Sponsored Demo Lab: Crowdriff - Small Budgets. Massive Impact. Powering your marketing visuals with UGC

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM · 29 min. (America/New_York)
St. Johns 33-34
Sponsored Lab


Discover the secret to maximizing impact while minimizing costs in your marketing strategy. Kash Miah, a Crowdriff expert will reveal how user-generated content (UGC) revolutionizes storytelling. Learn why UGC is not only cost-effective but also incredibly impactful in conveying your narrative. Dive into the world of traveler-powered visuals, the driving force behind modern tourism marketing. This session delves into acquiring UGC effectively and transforming it into captivating marketing materials that set you apart.

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