Distribution / Reseller (OTA, Wholesaler, Local, GDS, Travel Agent, etc.)
GetYourGuide is the leading booking platform unlocking the world’s most unforgettable travel experiences for modern explorers. Powered by our global and diverse team of travel enthusiasts, experts, and technologists, we are changing the way people connect to the places they visit.
We help travelers discover a destination’s best activities and attractions and find joy in the authentic, extraordinary depth and spirit behind a pin on the map of the world. In doing so, we have earned the trust of more than 60 million travelers from over 190 countries since our founding in 2009 and established ourselves as the leading booking platform for unforgettable travel experiences around the world.
We focus on how we simplify the digital travel reality. By offering access to data-driven insights, technology, and market expertise, GetYourGuide at the same time accelerates growth for experience creators so they can focus on what they do best: Creating experiences that provide meaningful moments of discovery for travelers.
Backed by leading venture capital investors, GetYourGuide has raised over $883+ million in funding to date and is headquartered in Berlin, Germany with local offices in 14 countries around the world.