BlackDog Advertising

Marketing / Advertising Agency


We Speak Tourist®. BlackDog Advertising® is a privately owned full-service marketing agency working exclusively with midsize growth-oriented Tour, Attraction, Adventure & Leisure clients to attract more guests and increase ticket revenue.

Clients. With a portfolio of over 40 national and international travel brands, BlackDog Advertising collaborates closely with our partners to drive success.

Experience matters. Established in 1989, BlackDog is one of the most experienced and trusted firms dedicated to marketing for the tourism industry.

BlackDog's RETRIEVER/ROI®. One of the newest challenges facing tourism marketers today is data tracking, as web browsers increasingly restrict data collection by removing cookies. That’s why BlackDog developed RETRIEVER/ROI®, our powerful, user-friendly dashboard that goes beyond basic website analytics. It captures performance data from various sources, including your reservation system, paid digital advertising, social media engagement, email marketing effectiveness, phone call inquiries and more. RETRIEVER/ROI® even collects offline conversions like walk-up ticket sales.

Unlike Google Analytics, which only shows comparison data for 14 months, RETRIEVER/ROI® saves your data to the cloud for at least five years, allowing you to track the long-term impact of your marketing initiatives and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

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